Tuesday, April 2, 2013

A ) 5 Sets x 1 Snatch Pull + 1 Snatch @ 80-85%
 205 - 215 - 220 - 225 - 215

B) 3 Heavy Sets 1 Front Squat + 1 Jerk
265 - 275 - 285 

C) EMOM - Complete 2 Back Squats @ 85% x 6 Minutes

D) 21 - 15 - 9
Overhead Squat (135)/Pull-Ups

Monday, January 28, 2013

Saturday 1/26/13:


A) Box Squats (12'') + 50lbs Chains
5 Sets of 5

B) Back Squat + 50lbs Chains
5 Sets of 5

C) Press - 5 Sets of 5

D) 100 Push-Ups


A) 145x5 - 175x5 - 195x5 - 205x5x2

B)  145x5 - 175x5 - 195x5 - 205x5x2

C) 95x5 - 115x5 - 125x5 - 135x5 - 145x4

D) 4:32 

Sunday 1/27/13

A) Pause Below the Knee Snatch
7 Sets of 1

B) Power Clean Doubles

C) E30S x 5 Minutes 1 Power Clean @ 225

D) Clean Pulls
3 Sets of 3


A) 195 - 205 - 210 - 215 - 220 - 210 - 215 

B) 215 - 220 - 225 - 225 - 230 - 230 - 235 

C) Complete

D) 275 - 285 - 295 

Monday 1/28/19:

A) Work to a Heavy Front Squat Single

B) Work to a Heavy Front Squat Triple

C) Every 45 Seconds Complete 5 C2B Pull-Ups (work on skill and efficiency)


40 Back Squat @ 135
30 Pull-Ups
20 Push Jerk @ 135
40 Front Squat @ 95
30 Pull-Ups
20 Push Jerk @ 95


A) 295 - No knee pain, gotta really focus on form and foot/knee position - Need to come up more vertical no hip drive, this isnt a lowbar back squat silly Connor

B) 275 - No knee pain, get more vertical on the drive up

C) Complete, feeling better than last week

9:22 - Felts good, movements felt solid, knee didnt hurt, just have to continually focus on making sure everything is moving well

Friday, January 25, 2013


A) Snatch: 7 Sets of 1

B) Clean: 7 Sets of 1

C) Snatch Grip Straight Leg Deadlift: 4 Sets of 15 (Across)


EMOM x 10 Minutes
3 Power Cleans @ 165
3 Front Squats @ 165
3 Push Jerks @ 165

- Rest 5 Minutes

25 - 20 - 15 - 10 - 5
C2B Pull-Ups


A) 205 - 210 - 215 - 220 - 210 - 210 - 215

B) 230 - 230 - 235 - 235 - 240 - 235 - 240

C) 135x15x4

EMOM: Complete - Each round look about 28 seconds
Couplet: 7:05 - C2B were super shitty couldnt string them together for my life. 

First full day without any knee pain in 4 months, its tough because I have to really actively think about my knee, foot and body position instead of the weight especially in the clean but I was happy to get all that work in and have no issues. Time to get this OPEN shit in gear 

Thursday, January 24, 2013


A) Back Squat 5 sets of 5

B) Bench 5 Sets of 5

C) Bent Over Row 5 Sets of 5


EMOM x 20 Minutes
Even: 8-12 HSPU
Odd: 4 Muscle Ups


21 - 18 - 15 - 12 - 9 - 6 - 3
Thrusters @ 95lbs


A) 140x5/170x5/205x5/240x5/275x5

B) 110x5/135x5/165x5/195x5/215x5

C) 115x5/135x5/145x5/155x5/165x5


HSPU: 12 - 12 - 12 - 10 - 10 - 10 -8 - 9 - 10 - 10 
Muscle Ups: 4 - 4 - 4 - 4 - 4 - 4 - 4 - 4 - 4 - 4 



Still having some knee pain when I squat, trying to rebuild it per some instrutions from my PT. On the bright side HSPU and Muscle Ups felt great, super easy and smooth. Just got burnt out on the HSPU. 

Went to the PT in the afternoon and felt really good so went and got a conditioning workout in this evening, felt good, got alittle winded but was happy - T2B arent up to where i would like them to be but onward and upward! 

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Finally got my knee looked at and got some work done on it by a PT. Got a lot of things cleaned up and I am finally feeling better than I have in 4 months, limited pain and can actually move and load my legs with some weight without thinking my IT band or lateral quad was going to get ripped apart. Taking the rest of the week to get my body and mind in the right place. This has been the most optimistic I have been since my pre-regional training last year. It may be a little too late for this year to really give myself a chance but I will get myself in gear for the next month!

Thursday, January 17, 2013


A) 5 Sets - 2 Push Press + 1 Jerk

B) 5 Sets - 1 Jerk

C) 5 x 8 Snatch Grip Bent Over Row (Across)

D) 5 x 12 Bent Over DB Fly (Across)


Push Jerk @ 185: 10 - 8 - 6 - 4 - 2
Pull-ups: 20 - 18 - 16 - 14 - 12


A) 195 - 205 - 205 - 210 - 215

B) 225 - 245 - 265 - 275 - 285 

C) Completed @ 105 

D) Completed w/15lb DBs


4:55 - All PJ were unbroken and went unbroken until 14 on the pull ups 

*Felts ok, I have just felt super weak everyday. Sleep has been really limited and stress has been at an all time high which I am sure are effecting training. Maybe cutting back on volume will help and getting the carbs up. Will see where we are at in a month and a half

Wednesday, January 16, 2013


A) Every 45 Seconds Complete 3 TnG Power Snatches x 9 Sets

B) 5 Sets of 1 Power Clean + 1 Clean

C) EMOM x 12 Minnutes Complete 1 FS


5 Rounds:
10 Thrusters
10 Burpees


A) Complete
135x3x3 - 155x3x3 - 165x3x3 - 175x3x3 
*Back was pretty tight after yesterday so this was pretty tough but felt good to get touches - actually helped warm my legs up for part B

B) 215 - 225 - 235 - 240 - 245 - 250(F Clean) 
* Got under 250 just got buried, legs and back were pretty tired but I was just happy that my legs were feeling better

C) Started @ 225 and increased by 5# per set
225 - 230 - 235 - 240 -245 - 250 - 255 - 260 - 265 - 270 - 275 - 280


6:12 - Thrusters were unbroken which was my only goal, pushed pretty hard for where I am at right now so no complaints just have to keep on my mobility on hips/legs

Tuesday, January 15, 2013



A) 5 Sets of 1 Hang Squat Clean + 1 Clean


30 Squat Clean to Overhead @ 155

- Rest 10 Minutes -

5 Minute AMRAP
4 Deadlifts @ 315
4 Muscle Ups

- Rest 5 Minutes-

5 Minute AMRAP
10 Box Jumps @ 30 inches
15 Pull-ups


A) 225 - 235 - 240 - 245 - 250(f Squat Clean)
* My technique is feeling a lot better but my legs are really beat up, the squatting hurts my IT band like crazy, missed a bunch of reps warming up because they were so banged up. Going to see a massage therapist next week and maybe get something loosened up 


Part 1: 5:55 - Wasn't trying to kill myself just getting a pace on the bar, low back gets tight and I defiantly need to get stronger overhead - last 10 took as long as the first 20 

Part 2: 5 Rounds + 1 Deadlift - maybe could have gone faster but really trying to get my deadlift form set every rep

Part 3: 5 Rounds + 8 Box Jumps - Jumping was bother my IT bands too, so the first 3 rounds I was not rebounding at the bottom, I had to pause but the last 2 I cycled alittle quicker, all pull-ups unbroken which feels better. 

Damn my quads/IT/Hips and knees hurt 

Monday, January 14, 2013


A) Snatch; 2 - 2 - 2 - 2 - 1 - 1 - 1


30 wallballs
12 clean and jerks @ 165
12 burpee box jumps
30 wallballs
9 clean and jerks @ 165
9 burpee box jumps
30 wallballs
6 clean and jerks @ 165
6 burpee box jumps


A) 185x2/195x2/205x2/215x2/225x1/230x1/235x1


12:00 - felt good! 

Saturday, January 12, 2013


A) EMOM x 10 Minutes
Complete 1 Clean and Jerk - Start at 225 and increase by 5lbs each minute

B) Tempo Back Squats - 4 Sets of 5 (3 seconds down, no pause)


3 Rounds:
15 Thrusters @ 95
15 Pull-ups

- Rest 3 Minutes -

3 Rounds:
15 Bar Facing Burpees
15 Pull-ups


A) Completed all reps, finished at 270 - Felt pretty strong, legs got tired by the end tho, getting all sorts of sticky, need to hit some 1 1/4 squats in a couple of days

B) 280x5x4 - the tempo squat has been really good, I feel so much more controlled on the way and dont crash so hard at the bottom. Doesnt seem to bother my IT band as much.


Part 1: 3:28
Part 2 : 4:27

*A couple things I took away from this workout; 1 - my pressing endurance as stated early had gone to shit since I havent been conditioning, that coupled with how much I hate thrusters made part 1 super shitty. However my wind is starting to comeback slowly and the pull-ups were all unbroken. Overall I just need to commit to training harder, recovering better and preparing mentally better. While I feel like I am not where I was fitness wise that I was last year, I really want to represent my gym/brand/family and self during the open and regionals. Need to get my calories up, drank 3 cups of coffee and that was it today before the workout. Thanks Steve for the workout! 

Friday, January 11th

Active Recovery:

20 Minute Row @ 85% - Avg 1:58 Split


5050m - Just trying to get some blood flow going, I dont really do this but felt good for this first go around

Thursday, January 10, 2013



A) Deadlift:
6 - 4 - 2 - 6 - 6 - 4 - 2 - 10 - 10

B1) Good Mornings 5 x 5
B2) Band Pull-Aparts 5 x 20 (w/red band)

C) Jerk - 6 Sets of 1

D) 40 HSPU for Time


A) 5 Rounds
10 OH walking lunges @ 75
10 Front Squats @ 75
15 T2B
-Rest 2 Minutes -
1 Attempt Max Unbroken Muscle Ups



A) 315 - 335 - 355 - 315 - 315 - 335 - 365 -225 - 225
* Best my deadlifts felt form wise in forever, just trying to stay lower on the percentages - It seems like CrossFit is not really that interested in your absolute 1RM but rather who can operate at 85-90% of it for the longest so tailoring alittle to higher rep scheme

B1) All Completed @ 110 (25's+2.5's) going to try to hit these safety bar GM's once a week and just increase by 5 lbs

B2) Complete 

C) 225/245/265/280/285(f)/285(f)
*Just starting to feel beat down from this week, back was feeling really tired.... 35lbs from my best PR... 

D) 2:40 - Getting better


A) 8:47 + 12 Muscle Ups
*This wasnt really for time, just using it as a asseccory piece to get some lunges in, my hip flexors were tight so it really loosened them up

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Strength+ Conditioning


A) EMOM x 7 Minutes
2 Hang Cleans + 1 Power Clean

B) 15 Power Cleans @ 165
5 C2B
12 Power Cleans
5 C2B
9 Power Cleans
5 C2B
6 Power Cleans
5 C2B
3 Power Cleans
5 C2B

C) Tempo Back Squat (3 Seconds down, no pause at bottom)
5 Sets of 3


A) 10 Minute AMRAP
15 Snatches @ 75
30 Double Unders

B) 20 Pull-ups - Rest 1 Minutes x 4 Sets

C) EMOM x 5 Minutes
10 Ring Dips
10 T2B



A) All Completed at 225

B) 6:49

C) All Completed at 275


A) 7 Rounds - Felt good, was about about 90% - trying to get my wind back so hitting alot of these "open" type workouts

B) Completed unbroken - way harder than they have ever been, need to get back into some pull-up endurance

C) Complete 

Tuesday, January 8, 2013


A) Work to a Heavy Snatch Single

B) 20 Squat Snatches @ 80% of Heavy Single

C) Work to a Heavy Double Front Squat


3 Rounds

20 Box Jumps
15 Front Squats @ 155


12 Minute AMRAP
150 Wallballs
90 Double Unders
30 Muscle Ups


A) 235 - Felt really good, went for 240 felt like 300. Back and start were on point

B) 5:20 @ 185 - No missed Reps, just came off the bar and a couple deep breathes and tried to put my hands back

C) 280 - I started getting really light headed so cut it short


9:38, HSPU werent very smooth and had to break up the front squats the second and third set. My back was starting to tighten up. Getting back into it.


Got 18 Muscle Ups in, 10 off of my open score. The wallballs took forever.... literally 2 minutes longer than the open which really shrunk my time for muscle ups, shoulder need work

Friday, January 4, 2013

A.M Strength:

A) Work to a Heavy Single Squat

B) EMOM x 8 Minutes
Complete 2 Squats @ 90% of HS

C) Safety Squat Bar Good Mornings - 5 Sets of 5

D) Bent Over Rows - 6 Sets of 5-8

20 Minutes Mobility

P.M Conditioning:

A) In 6 quick sets to get to 5 TnG Power Snatches


 3 Rounds
10 Snatches @ 135
15 Pull-Ups

-Rest 5 Minutes

Row 1000m
Row 500m



A) 330
*Felt pretty good, knees/upper quads still giving me problems but I was happy - Just keep telling myself to man up and squat more

B) Completed @ 295
*Felt awesome, finally staying more vertical and sqauting was loosening up the legs

C) All sets completed @ 105 (Bar+25's)
*just focused on keeping my back straight - need to hit these more

D) 2x8@115/2x8@125/2x8@135
*Same Idea just keep the back straight


A) 95/115/135/155/165/180
* PR in a Tng Power Snatch

B) 4:39/9:09
*Humble Pie, all of those should have been in my wheel house but damn I was so winded it was like i got punched in the stomach, hamstrings were screaming from this morning, HSPU are starting to feel alot better just need to keep building endurance 

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

A.M Strength:

A) Work to a Heavy Snatch Single

B) EMOM x 6  - 1 Heavy Snatch

C) 5 Sets of 1 Power Clean + 1 Clean

D) 5 Sets of 3 Tempo Front Squats (3 seconds down, 3 second pause at bottom)

P.M Conditioning:

A1) 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 Weighted Pull-Ups; rest 1 Minute
A2) 6 - 6 - 6 - 6 - 6 - 6 Muscle Ups; rest 1 Minute

Deadlifts @ 315

Accumlate 2 minutes in L-Sit


A) 225

B) 215x1x3/220x1x3

C) All sets completed at 235

D) 225/235/235/235x2/225

*While not very good numbers, I did enjoy the tempo work. I am going to try to incorporate it more frequently into squatting. Cleans and squats still need to be more upright, I can feel myself getting pulled forward on both.


A1) 35 - 55 - 65 - 85 - 90 - 90
A2) 6 - 6 - 6 - 6 - 6 - 6 

B) 8:08 - all badly broken, lower back starting cramping up, it was hard to lock out. HSPU felt great, really need to keep hammering my deads.... 

C) Complete