Monday, December 31, 2012

A.M Strength:

A) Back Squat
8 - 6 - 4 - 2 - 2 - 2 - 8

B) Work to a Heavy Snatch Double in 6 Sets

C) EMOM x 6
3 Box Jumps @ 30''
3 TnG Power Cleans @ 215

P.M Conditioning:

10 Minute AMRAP:
10 Thrusters @ 95lbs
10 Pull-ups
10 Burpees

- 4 Minute Rest

10 Minute AMRAP
10 Overhead Squats @ 95lbs
10 T2B
20 Calories on Rower


A) 225 - 275 - 295 - 305 - 305 - 305 - 245
* Still cant squat shit but trying to stay after it, knees are still really bothering me but I was happy overall

B) 135 - 165 - 185 - 195 - 205 -210
* Felt pretty good, legs were pretty tired after squatting but felt fast and getting more comfortable with the new lower starting position. 

C) Completed
*Cleans are still a pretty big goat, working on getting that back stronger, it got my heart rate going really quick

Part 1:

5 Rounds + 10 Thrusters + 10 Pull-ups + 1 Burpee
*Massive sinus headache, each burpee made my head feel like it was going to burst. I was happy with my pacing, I took this piece from OPT's website after I had done some reading about MAP so I wanted to test the concept out. I tried to hit it at about 85-90% and I felt like I did. I had more in the tank but just wanted to pace it

Part 2:

4+4 Overhead Squats
The rowing was slow and so was the overhead squats, quads/knee were getting tight but again was playing with the maximum aerobic power, definitly had more in the tank as well but got some good workin. 

Sunday, December 30, 2012


A1: 8-8-8-6-6-6 TnG Deadlifts - Rest 1 Minute
A2: 5-5-5-5-5-5 Bench Press - Rest 10 Seconds
A3: Max Effort HSPU Regional Standard x 75 Seconds - Rest 2 Minutes

B: 20 Muscle Ups for Time


A1: 275/295/315/325/335/345
A2: 215/225/225x4/215/220/220x4
A3: 21/15/10/11/9/10/10

B: 3:41

So again nothing to write home about but was happy to just be back training, my HSPU while not a huge number felt good as I have been practicing kipping them, going to them right after the bench was really tough, no triceps. No Deadlift has always been an Achilles heel so I am just trying to hit it 1-2 times a week. Need to be able to cycle 315+ for multiple reps and sets. The Muscle ups felt great, strung the first 10 together easy then my triceps exploded, just struggled so badly to get locked out. Not a bad day.

Friday, December 28, 2012

OK, so I am back at it, I haven't been training very consistently lately but I am back in the game with the new facility running and its time to get refocused on regionals. I hope that I can represent both myself and our new  gym well this year during the Open and regionals  I am hoping that I can refocus my efforts and create a more structured and well rounded program for myself. Its hard to create or follow a program and stick to it but representing my own business gives me alot of motivation to push myself. For those who know me I have traditionally excelled at the true "CrossFit Workouts" anything that is light to moderate weight, coupled with some form of gymnastic movements I have always done well. My ability to handle high submaximal weights for reps along with absolute power is something to be desired. I will be still focusing on building strength, especially in my squat/press/pull movements and couple in 2-3 Open prep workouts a week. I am trying to keep my volume low and intensity high as again I would really like to preform well during the Open. Here we go on a new adventure in training and in a profession.

A) 5 Sets of 1 Power Snatch + 1 Hang Snatch
* 60 Seconds Rest Between Sets

B) EMOM x 8 Minutes
2 Hang Power Cleans + 1 Clean

C) 3x8 Touch and Go Push Press
* 60 Seconds Rest Between Sets

D) 5 Sets of 3 Front Squats @ 80%


A) 2x3 @ 185 - 2x2 @ 190
I have really been working on my starting position in both the snatch and clean. I have seen improvement technique wise on both but my snatch pull strength has suffered so I will have to get more work in through complexes hopefully

B) All Completed at 215
While nothing too impressive, I was happy to string together some heavier hang cleans as I was absolutely embarressed at last years regionals by Event 2. While I dont foresee heavy hang cleans again I do need to contiune to hammer my weak areas

C) 3x8 @ 165
Was working on just rebounding at the bottom without having to slow down. My overhead has always struggled so hopefully I can just hit modifications of a bunch of different overhead movements to keep hammering away at the movements

D) All Completed @ 255
While not my best Front squating performance, my knees and lateral quads have been killing me limiting my squating recently. All in all was happy to walk away with no misses, my brother actually as much as I hate to admit it has helped correct my squat form with I think will help keep less stress off my knees.