Saturday, June 30, 2012

A.M Strength

A) Work up to a heavy front squat for a triple

B) Work to a Heavy 3-pos Power Snatch

C) Work to a Heavy 1 Power Clean + 1 Hang Power Clean

D) 4 x 5 Back Squat @ 70% 1RM


OHS @ 135


A) 275 - Felt good considering my back still is a bit touchy

B) 180 PR

C) 235 PR - Super Ugly Hang Clean

D) Completed @ 245


4:33 - All UB except the last T2B

* I am happy that my back was usable still a bit sore but much much better

Friday, June 29, 2012

I have been battling a sprained back muscle the last week so I took some time off to hopefully get it recovered, I am going to hopefully be back at it tomorrow and slowly get back into it. This has been a pretty unproductive last month so I really want to get ramped up again. Seeing all these videos of fellow regional competitors improving so much is mildly depressing. No one to blame but myself. Back to the grind - 2013 Games training

Monday, June 25, 2012

Still battling a bad back but first day back and trying to do alot of mobility and get into a set schedule

A) Front Sqaut x5 @ 65%/70%/75%/80%/85%

B) EMOM x 10 min @ 2 Power Cleans + 5 HSPU

C) Back Squat 3x5 @ 65%


A) 5 x @ 185/205/230/245/255

B) All HSPU complete
Cleans - 205/210/15/220/225/230/235/240/225/225

C)  Completed @ 255

Friday, June 22, 2012

A) 10x2 Hang Snatch From Hips

B) 10x2 3 Pos Snatch Deadlift


D) 5x3 Wt'd Pronated Pull ups


A) 70/72/74/77/79/80/80/80/80/80/82

B) 100/100/105/110/110/115/115/115/115/115

C) 8:05

D) 45/45/55/65

*All results in KG, my lower back as been in alot of pain going to see PT today

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Final Moving Day was yesterday so back to training, hopefully will be alittle more consistent...

A) Work to a Heavy Single Power Clean

B) 5x1 @ 90%

C) 5x3 Pause Squats (3 seconds)

D) HBBS 3x5 @ 75% 2x5 @ 80%

E) 5x3 Push Press

F) Conditioning:
10 Rounds (all reps must be unbroken)
3 TnG Clean and Jerks  @ 135
3 Muscle Ups


A) 255

B) Complete @ 230

C) 175/185/205/225/235 *should have gone heavier....

D) 3x5 @ 255 1x5 @ 265 1x5 # 270

E) 135/155/175/185/205

F) All unbroken No missed reps in 9:45

Monday, June 18, 2012

So I have been moving all weekend and my nutrition has been suffering horribly but needless to say felt stronger through the lifting section but conditioning felt sluggish. Hopefully I will be getting back into a routine here shortly. I have taken a little bit or a more relaxed approach to training right now as balancing life and Crossfit has been a constant battle. I am trying to enjoy whats going on with graduation and moving onto a new chapter of my life.

A) 7x2 Mid Thigh Block Snatch

B) 4x3 Halting Snatch DL

C) 4x3 Snatch Drops

D) Conditioning
4 Rounds
50 Double Unders
10 Push Jerks @ 135
-30 Sec Rest
-Rest 1 Min

E1) 4x8 Hamstring Sit-ups
E2) 4x12 GHD Sit-ups


A) 205x1/215x6
*Failed my last set at 215 had nothing in the tank but the rest of the sets felt fast and strong

B) 235/245/255/265

C) 165/175/180x2/180

Round 1: 1:50 + 30 UB C2B
Round 2: 1:48 + 20 UB C2B
Round 3: 1:42 + 17 UB C2B
Round 4: 1:42 + 12 UB C2B
Total Working Time was 10:12 including rest - C2B went away quick, and my rebound on push jerks was shit. Not sure my conditioning is very good right now but getting stronger

E1+E2) Complete 

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Moving day in Bellingham so I only could get the strength portion in

A) 7x1 High Block Snatch

B) 7x1 High Block Clean

C) 7x3 HBBS @ 70-80%


The blocks were too high, I was basically snatching/cleaning from pockets instead of above the knee. 

A) 160/165/170/175/180/185/190/195(F)

B) 190/195/200/205/210/215/220/225(F)

C) All sets completed @ 270

*Went to the mariners game last night and any time those situation occur = poor nutrition and today is a fathers day dinner so... Hopefully I will be able to make a post on my thoughts about nutrition and training around life.

Friday, June 15, 2012

So didn't have jerk boxes/prowler so modified the workout today

A) Work to a Heavy Single Front Jerk

B) 5x1 @ 90% of Heavy Single

C) Every 30 Seconds 2 Deadlifts @ 50% 1Rm + 20% Band Tension x 6 minutes

D) 5x5 Heavy Seated Dumbbell Shoulder Press

E) In 12 min work as high as you can in 1 Clean and Jerk @ 155 + 1 Round of Cindy, 2 Clean and Jerks @ 155+ 2 Rounds of Cindy....Etc


A) 310 PR - Should have gotten 315.... being a puss

B) 5x1@280 - Need to work on footwork on the recovery

C) Completed @ 225 Bar Weight + 102 lbs Band Tension at top 

D) 55/65/75/75/75

E) 4 Rounds + 5 Clean and Jerks + 4 Rounds of Cindy
- Disappointing at my body weight conditioning, slow as mud....

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

A) 10x2 Hip Height Box Snatch Pulls + 1 Hip Height Box Snatch

B) 4 sets of
ME Strict HSPU to 2 inch deficit + ME Kipping
(rest 2 minutes between sets)

C) 4 Sets of
3 wt'd muscle ups
(rest 1 min between sets)

D) 4 sets
20 back extensions
(rest 1 min between sets


A) 175/175/175/175/175/180/180/180/185/185/190 
* struggled to keep the bar back into my body and caught it forward, something to work on

B) (12-7)/(7-4)/(7-5)/(7-5)
* struggled badly shoulders were smoked so were triceps

C) (#20)/(#20)/(#22.5)/(#25)

D) Complete

-Overall felt weak looking forward to resting and mobilizing tomorrow and hittting it hard friday

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

So I went and visited a local gym in Mill Creek which threw off my schedule as I hadnt planned on working out there but couldnt turn down the invite so got a little extra conditioning this morning.

Crossfit Outer Edge


1 Round
15 Clean and Jerk @ 165
55 burpees
15 Clean and Jerks @ 165


A) High Box Clean and Jerk 7x2 (2 Cleans then 2 Jerks)

B) High Bar Back Squat (% precent based on 3 a 3-rm of 305)
- 8 x 75%
- 5 x 85%
- 3 x 90%
- 3 x 95%
- 3 x 95%

C1) Heavy Push Press 5x3
C2) Heavy 3 Sec Pause Front Squat 5x3
(rest 60 seconds between sets)

4 Round
150m Shuttle
20 C2B
50 Du's

(rest 2:00) between


A.M Conditioning


Mid-Day (All in KG's)

A) 100/104/105/107/107/107/109 - Only went for one jerk @ 109 bringing it down was a doozy

B) 8x104/5x119/3x125/3x132/3x132

C1) 80/84/85/87/90x2
C2) 90/100/105/109/110

D) 1:33/1:29/1:35/1:30 (unbroken Pull-ups/tiny jump rope made for terrible double unders)

Monday, June 11, 2012

So I decided to follow the Outlaw Way Programming, I saw how effective it was for both Austin Stack and Kevin Simons at the Northwest Regionals this year so hopefully it will give me a little more direction and structure to my training.

A) High Box Snatch 7x2

B1) 4x3 Snatch Pulls
B2) 4x3 Snatch Drops
(rest 60 sec between lifts)

C) EMOM x 10
Odd 15 T2B
Even 8 wtd GHD back Ext.

D) 1 Round
5 MU/100 m Row


12 Min AMRAP
1 20' Rope Climb
1 Clean+ 4 Jerks @ 185


A) 205/205/205/205/205/210/210


C) Completed w/7.5 lb db (terrible I know)

D) Unbroken 7:37 (arms were on fire) 


11 Rounds

Sunday, June 10, 2012

June 10, 2012

Today I decided that I would start this blog as a way to keep myself accountable for the training I will be undertaking over the next year as I attempt to repeat my trip the northwest regionals and hopefully a competitive shot at the games. I am hoping that this will help me be more focused and take everything I have learned from this last competition season and apply it to the coming year.

I have been on quite the lazy as shit tear after the completion of the 2012 regionals and my graduation from Western Washington University yesterday. I have made to many excuses why I should eat unhealthy and workout less but I plan to hopefully use this blog as a way to get back on the wagon. I have no idea what im doing with the layout/format of this blog so stay patient as I try to figure this stuff out.